Dez 11, 2020


Leonardo Risso FOTO: The Brand Identity, 1000 Logos, SBS TV, Nike, Helene Marian, WNBA, UniWatch

The WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) was founded in 1996 by the NBA and since then the idea has been to create the women's version of the league, the initial 8 teams were associated with existing franchises and, in fact, this greatly facilitated the operation and financial sustainability in the early stages of the league. As time passed, more franchises became interested in being part of the new structure, adding the Washington Mystics and Detroit Shock a few years after its initial incorporation and 6 more teams in the following years.

It was in 2003, with the sale of the Orlando Miracle, becoming Connecticut Sun, the NBA made the decision that the franchises may have independent owners, showing signs of further league independence. However, one of the main elements of branding still had a striking similarity, the visual identity.

At that time, it made sense that the visual identity of "W" was well associated with its owner, both for attracting the fan base, approaching sponsors, and as a reputation for the NBA, after all, creating and supporting the growth of a women's league that it would become what it has become today, is not something to give up. Therefore, the similarities are evident: the colors red, blue and white, the shield as a geometric element and the silhouette that is even inspired by that classic Jerry West of the NBA logo, made this association clear.

Gradually  the WNBA adapted itself, understanding the best ways, and practices to grow and how to improve its product for a fan base that, at first, was much smaller. The initial 8 franchises jumped to 12, television contracts, revenue from product sales, average audience in games and the players' salaries increased, very well justified by the increase in the league's technical level.

The “W”, often criticized and seen as inferior to the NBA, decided that it was about time to create a new brand in 2013:

The idea was to announce a change in positioning and new major commercial agreements that were taking place at that time, mainly reinforcing WNBA's diversity, athleticism and competitive nature.

In terms of visual identity, the main and most notable change was the color, which brought a much greater authenticity and sense of independence from the NBA, something that from the beginning was already seen as important. Another element that expressed the new idea very well was the silhouette, being “A celebration of all WNBA athletes from the past and present who inspired the logo of the new league”, presented in the #iamlogowoman campaign as a stronger, more agile and consequently more competitive.

Along this line of thought, the WNBA announced a new partnership with ESPN, guaranteeing the extension of the contract until 2022, in addition to special cameras in selected games, behind-the-scenes content and comments from former athletes in live broadcasts, being a great strategic step for the brand to be further explored and strengthened in the following years.

Since 2013, a lot has changed not only at "W", but in the world of sports as a whole. More and more we see athletes using their influence to express their opinions, more organizations caring about how to create value for people and the league is no different. “Black Lives Matter”, “Future is Female”, “Love is Love” were some of the movements that have shaped WNBA's DNA in recent years and, of course, the way and with whom the brand communicates. With this thought, the league joined Sylvian Labs, the agency responsible for the first rebranding, to rethink a brand formulated for a new purpose, positioning and visual identity with the following questioning: “How to visualize the brand and a business to resonate with the culture, connect with fans and provide long-term profitability? 

The result was announced in 2019 and some elements followed along this strategic change of the brand:


'The outside of the box' silhouette totally broke expectations and brought a sense of freedom, associating with women's empowerment and detaching even more from the NBA and G-League logo pattern. The orange tone and the font were changed, the shape of the silhouette started to represent even more movement and the hair in the form of a bun is how many players use it during games, creating greater representativeness.


With a provocative campaign that brings much of what the new brand represents, WBNA launched its new slogan justified by COO, Christy Hedgpeth as follows: "It is really about who we are in the first place and who our players are. We think about how they have been at the forefront of many conversations about women and culture… We really think we have the opportunity and the potential to be much more culturally relevant than that we are..."


Created by the french designer Hélène Marian, WNBA now has its own proprietary typefaces to be explored in various media, opening up more creative possibilities in the most variable situations.


Another important point to be considered in this new phase was the sale of merchandising, a key possibility for generating revenue and, according to Christy Hedgpeth: "You can't be culturally relevant without having cool things to wear. That's why we're excited to develop our products and work with our partners to reflect the brand in a number of interesting ways..."


Just look at the iconic orange sweatshirts that went into "sold out" soon after going viral with the support of several athletes in different sports and especially in the NBA bubble. The products are much more than “just merchandises” they represent ideas that the "W" has in its DNA.


Along with this process, the WNBA announced a major partnership with AT&T, to stamp its brand on all team uniforms, as the main sponsor of the All-Star Game and working directly with the online and broadcast channels of “ W ”. This shows not only a strong financial partnership, but also a firm independence and leadership in the field of business.

The new positioning brings a more committed WNBA evolving and supporting important social causes, more quality inside and outside the courts. This is evident in the last season that:


- There has been a 30% increase in social media interactions;

- Salary cap increased by 30%;

- More mental health and maternity rights;

- 68% increase in the general view on all platforms;

- Best benefits in air travel and accommodation during the season.

The “W” has been writing its own story, which is truthful and full of great achievements. Give it a chance, follow the league games or even the best moments the following day, it's the best women's basketball in the world! And if you can't follow and support, understand that this movement means a lot and, for sure, it will make a difference in this sport that we love wholeheartedly.


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